Start it up – young entrepreneurs
As a reaction to high level of unemployment among the youth in Europe as well as a mismatch between Formal Education and the needs on the labour market, we created the idea for the project: „Start it up – Young Entrepreneurs”. The participating countries are: Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. These countries have been chosen based on the previous positive experience in the cooperation with the partnership organizations, the fact that they presented high interest in the topic of start-ups, and to provide high economical, cultural and geographical diversity, which will guarantee better promotion of the results of our exchange in all corners of Europe. Each group consisted of 6 people (5 youth participants + 1 leader). The Exchange took place on 30.04.-06.05.2018 in Poronin, following the preparation visit 2 weeks before in Kraków. The main goals of the project were: building the knowledge about Start-up trends on the European labour market, developing knowledge and skills needed to set up a business, requesting the funds for setting up and maintaining start-ups, building the sense of economical unity in Europe, balancing economical situation in Europe, generating ideas and inspirations for businesses, creating a space for business networking, empowering people with difficulties on the labour market to be active as entrepreneurs, promoting Erasmus Plus and “Erasmus for Entrepreneurs” as well as the results of the exchange on the local, regional, national and European level. Thanks to various methods of work such as: brainstorming, auto-presentation, presentation, analytical work (SWOT, Market research, business plan), role plays, working with multimedia (movies, photos, social media), interviews, working with graphics, argumentation, discussion, national evenings the participants have gained new practical skills (soft and hard ones). These skills will enable them to raise their attractiveness on the labour market, build their authenticity as businessmen and empower them to set up their own business. Through an international cooperation we have learnt how to engage in an international dialogue, especially in the business matter. Each day ended with a sum-up, which guaranteed an ongoing evaluation and high quality of the project, it also enabled us to gather the information to create Youthpass certificate. We believe that high quality of the project and its promotion in social media, Internet, as well as local media will guarantee further effects after the exchange such as raising the entrepreneur activity of the youth, encourage engagement of new participants in Erasmus + and “Erasmus for Entrepreneurs”.
This project was financed by Erasmus+ programme.