With art for friendship

31 July 2018

Logo_PURWM_wspolne”With art for friendship” was a challenge with aim to support creating new forms of dialogue and co-operation between youth from Poland and Ukraine. The main element of our project was a bilateral youth exchange which took place on 18-24.08.2018 in Wierzchosławice, near Tarnów, Poland. The project has been prepared together by two groups of 14 youngsters from Zhmerynka, Ukraine and Tarnów, Poland, supported by 2 experienced leaders from each country. To ensure high project quality leaders also met 2 weeks before the exchange. The time before the exchange was dedicated to intense preparations and starting the promotion. The time after the exchange was dedicated to thorough evaluation, further promotion, disseminating project results and strengthening our institutional co-operation. The main topic of our project was culture and art by means of which we want to analyse various aspects of our countries’ neighbourhood and influence the improvement of bilateral relations and mutual image. We worked to achieve following aims on various levels: develop partnership between our organisations, increase participants’ competences, make friendships, break stereotypes, promote polish and Ukrainian cultural heritage, share opinions and project results with local community and wider audience in the internet, preparing solid and interesting results and their effective dissemination, etc. To reach above listed aims we have used various working methods, mostly based on nonformal and informal education, games, workshops, presentations, discussions, art training, national evenings, educational visits, etc. One of the results of our work is a cultural calendar of events in 2019 in both countries which we recommended to each other. You can download it here: Mapa kultury

You can find out more about our activities in our social media channels. Please visit our gallery of photos and watch our promotional video below.

Project was funded by Polish0Ukrainian Youth Exchange Council.

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