Youth for active democracy

31 December 2020

The aim of our project was to support among us attitudes that create a conscious civil society, spread the principles of direct and indirect democracy, active participation in social and political life. We tried to encourage the project to encourage a wider group of young people to actively participate in elections, referenda and to engage in the life of the local community. The exchange (8-14 October 2021, Kraków) was attended by young people aged 18-30, 8 people each from 5 countries: Poland, Croatia, Italy, Estonia and Hungary. During the project, we used various non-formal methods of work, such as: teleconferences, chats, working with social media, surveys, presentations, meeting with an expert, happening, street poll, workshops, integration games, cultural evenings, etc. Thanks to the project, we gained numerous new competences, deepened our knowledge of the principles of a democratic state, and introduced ourselves to the instruments of direct and indirect democracy. IN During the exchange, we prepared posters, a leaflet, photos, a video, a street poll and a project of the task that can be submitted to the civic budget. This project can be used as a basis for creating a similar initiative in your town and the subject matter of such a project is an excellent opportunity to increase the participation of young citizens in public life.

Below you can download and see our ideas for projects for participatory budgeting, which can be refined and submitted both in Poland and in other countries where this form of budget co-decision is available.

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This project has received financial grant from the Erasmus+ ProgrammeEU flag-Erasmus+_vect_POS

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